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EFDC2 Abstract Submission key dates 

Abstract Submission: Deadline extended to midnight on 10th February 2025 (GMT Time) 

Notification of Acceptance: 24 March 2025 




Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract for an oral presentation at EFDC2. The submission deadline is Monday 10th February 2025. Please find the abstract template in MS Word format and in LaTeX format below. This should then be converted to PDF, as abstracts must be uploaded as a PDF file. Please note that only submissions in PDF format will be accepted.


Please note that the maximum length is one page. Abstracts of length longer than one page will not be considered and authors are permitted to submit one abstract only. 


So you can get familiarised with the topics of the conference, please find the list of scientific categories below.


The Abstract Submission Portal is now open. 











Scientific Categories: 


Acoustics of Turbulent Flows


Artificial Intelligence in Turbulence

Astrophysical Flows​

Atomization and Sprays

Atmospheric Flows​

Atmospheric Turbulence

Biological/Biomedical Fluid Mechanics

Boundary Layers​

Combustion and Reacting Flows

Compressible Flows

Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Methods

Computational Rheology

Control of Turbulent Flows

Convection and Buoyancy-Driven Flows

Drops and Bubbles

Electrokinetic Flows

Environmental Fluid Dynamics and Sustainability

Experimental Techniques

Flow Control

Fluid Dynamics: General 

Fluid-Structure Interaction

Free Surface Flows

Functional Analysis Methods in Fluids 

Geophysical and Astrophysical Turbulence

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Granular Flows

Heat Transfer and Phase Change

Industrial Fluid Dynamics and Applications

Instability and Transition

Intermittency and Scaling



Jets and Free Shear Flows

Lagrangian Aspects of Turbulence

Large-Eddy Simulation and Related Techniques

Lattice Boltzmann Methods in Fluids


MHD Turbulence

Meshless Methods in Fluids

Microscale and Nanoscale Flows

Molecular Dynamics Methods in Fluids 

Multiphase Flows

Multiphase Turbulence

Non-Newtonian Flows

Non-Newtonian Turbulence

Particle-Laden Flows

Porous Media Flows

Quantum Computing for Fluids

Rarefied Flows

Reacting and Compressible Turbulence

Rotating Fluids

Separated Flows

Stokes Flow

Superfluids Turbulence

Surface Tension Effects and Interfacial Fluid Dynamics


Transport and Mixing

Vortex Dynamics and Structure Formation

Wall-Bounded Flows: Experiment

Wall-Bounded Flows: Simulations

Wall-Bounded Flows: Theory


Wind and Water Power

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